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In 2020, the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie (ENSP) hosted Enrique Ramírez as resident artist. Ramírez’ installations blur the lines between video, photography, text, music, and objects. In his work, the sea is the ultimate site of instability: it is a domain of memory in perpetual motion, a space onto which narratives are projected,

Fernweh / Travelling passion Enrique Ramírez invites us to a sonorous journey, to see sounds and listen to images.  This album is a compilation of 5 places I have lived in the last 2 years, it is composed of Magical electronic landscapes with modular synthesizers and field recordings, it is a map of the landscape and

Exhibition4/11/2020 — 23/2/2021 Julie Chaffort, Camille Holowka, Andrea Lüth, Enrique Ramírez, Thomas Wattebled We are right in the middle. In the middle of a global pandemic. In the middle of a climate crisis and biodiversity loss. In the middle of collective identity crises. In the midst of a transformation of political, social and cultural constellations, we

La nature des choses Exposition visible jour et nuit du 6 février au 2 mai 2021  4 rue des Prêtres-Saint-Séverin, Paris 5e. M° Cluny-la-Sorbonne, Saint-Michel. Le point de vue de la commissaire Depuis toujours, Enrique Ramírez entretient une relation forte à la nature et plus particulièrement au monde de la mer. Cela se traduit dans ses œuvres par la présence d’éléments